Episode 11: On the comfort of being single.

We can want a relationship and also be resistant to intimacy, in ways that are really hard to see within ourselves. That's the crux of this week's episode. In it, I dive deeper into a period in my life (circa 2017) where I was "dating," someone. Really, we were just sleeping together. And while if you had asked me "Do you want a relationship?" I would have eagerly exclaimed, "Yes!" my internal world, my subconscious beliefs, were screaming the exact opposite. Largely because at the time, intimacy felt incredibly threatening. I didn't dare let another really see me. I wasn't even willing to really see myself.

This episode will be a great listen if:

  • You find yourself not really connecting deeply with anyone— or primarily connecting with people that aren't emotionally available

  • You're tired of more surface level dating advice, like "Just join a kickball league!"

  • You feel at a loss for what you can "do" when it comes to consciously moving towards partnership

  • You have lingering insecurities in the realm of food, body image, self worth derived through work, etc.

  • You feel generally lost in your pursuit of partnership.

I've got one to one coaching spots open! https://calendly.com/clara-artschwager/developing-a-conscious-dating-practice?month=2022-06

And also, won't you join me for my fall retreat? https://www.ithinkilikeyou.co/retreat

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Episode 12: Dating isn't something to be "figured out." But what do we do when it feels that way?


Episode 10: How sibling dynamics impact our romantic relationships.