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This is where the feeling "I'm never going to meet someone" comes from | Ep 131
Here's something I hear from clients all the time:
I'm never going to meet someone.
There's no one left.
All the good men are gone.
Therapist and coach Julia Zwerin is back to dig into this subject with me. In this episode we discuss:
What's behind the fear that you'll never meet someone
How your scarcity mindset has more to do with your past than it does the reality of the potential partners available to you
How holding this belief can serve as a form of protection from intimacy
Practical ways to shift your mindset around your potential for meeting someone
Why it's totally normal to see the same people on a dating app
The difference between a relationship meeting our ego's needs versus being emotionally available
EP 130 | If you want something new (the new job, the new partner), you're going to have to let something go
When we want to acquire something new, be it a new job, a new relationship, a new home, a new life experience, we tend to think of it as additive. We add items to our to do list, write down goals, consider how we want to do things differently.
But I find considering what we need to let go of — be that a person, a way of being, a pattern, a way we VIEW ourselves, a desired outcome — to make space for the new thing even more crucial. It's in the letting go and shedding that we're forced to get most uncomfortable.
EP 129 | This might be my go to marriage + dating advice for all of 2025
The other week a friend sent me a clip from Instagram, and despite not being the biggest Logan Ury fan, I really got down with what she was saying here.
"Great relationships are built, they're not discovered."
This concept is top of mind as my husband and I work through a new phase in our marriage with the addition of a child. But it's also top of mind as I connect with clients at the forefront of the year and reflect on the inner work that's really calling to them in 2025.
EP 128 | I've been in therapy for years but I'm still single. What gives?
Here's where I meet most of my clients: They've been in therapy for years, they have a tremendous amount of awareness around their stuff — their mom issues, their dad issues, their attachment style, their insecurities, how they attract the wrong men, etc etc. They know it all like the back of their hand! But their dating and relationship life remains the same. What gives?
EP 127 | Why you don't need to (and shouldn't) go on a million dates to meet someone in 2025
January tends to be a month rife with a lot of "I'm going to do this and that and goals goals goals!" And if that feels good to you, then great. But I find most of us stack ourselves with a litany of to dos, only to feel massively let down a few weeks later. Dating tends to be one of those areas. In today's podcast episode I'm breaking down why solely focusing on going on dates won't actually bring you closer to developing rich partnership and why it's so crucial to pair action around dating with our inner work.
EP 126 | Embracing a slow start to 2025 and my first few weeks as a mom
How are you all? It's been a minute! I'm slowly coming out of my cocoon of maternity leave. I'm only working part time, if that in January. In today's episode I'm sharing what the last few weeks have been like and how I'm embracing a slow start to the year, which seems to be a theme I'm seeing for other — motherhood or not — too.
EP 125 | Why is sex with the people who are so wrong for us so good w/ therapist, Julia Zwerin
We've all had the guy (or....guys ; )) who don't communicate well, who leave us in the dark, who aren't looking for commitment or exclusivity. Maybe they're clear about it, maybe they're not. Either way, they're like a drug we can't quit — quite literally (more on that in the episode). A text flies in, we're in their presence, all sense of clarity and judgement is lost. I very vividly recall these seasons of my life.
Today I'm joined by my dear friend Julia Zwerin, therapist and coach, to dig into this question: What is it about the toxic, avoidant, unable to commit guys who are just sooooo tantalizing? What causes us to get caught up with them — be it for weeks, months, or years? She spells it out so beautifully in this convo.
EP 124 | How overachievers shoot themselves in the foot with their careers, and what we can do about it
Today's guest is a beloved return one, Megan Hellerer, because her new amazing book (have read it, can vouch) is out and I couldn't be more excited. And I'm giving away two copies to listeners, give a listen to learn how you can access!
In today's episode we're digging into:
The power of following our curiosity and why most of us don't
How when we stop trying to control and predict the future — new opportunities emerge
How success is about finding what's true for you, versus what's "right"
How to move towards what's "light and right," what makes you feel warm and like yourself, versus cold and hard.
EP 123 | How do we sit with the desire for a relationship while also not knowing when it will happen?
In this week's episode I'm tackling the following question: How do we sit with our desire for something, and attempt to work towards it, but not know if or when or how it's going to come to fruition? How do we do so while we watch it happening for other people around us?
In this episode I'm addressing both how to sit with the unknown and tangible ways to move us closer to relationship. These are the exact practices I've walked my clients through over the past six years.
EP 122 | We don't necessarily need our partners to come full therapized, our confusion around settling, and the emotional labor necessary for us all in relationships w/ Kara Loewentheil
In this week's episode I'm chatting with NY Times best-selling author and master life coach, Kara Loewentheil. Kara is also the founder of The School of New Feminist Thought. In this episode we discuss how to not get derailed by someone's texting patterns, what it does and doesn't mean to settle in relationships, the emotional labor necessary in all relationships and more.
EP 121 | Do you believe yourself to be desirable? Do you expect to be asked out? A sneaky way you could be self sabotaging your dating life
How do you view yourself? What do you believe is available to you — based on who you are? This is an area I look at closely when clients of mine have been perpetually single, struggle to meet people, or feel like they never connect deeply with anyone.
EP 120 | Part III: How our drive to be good, to be high achievers, to put other people's needs before our own keeps us single or stuck in unhealthy relationships
Today's episode covers how the behaviors eldest daughters/hero children adopt, that initially serve as forms of self preservation and receiving love, are, in many ways, in direct conflict with the behaviors and skills that build healthy partnership. That allow us to connect deeply with others, be supported and loved by others, be seen and witnessed in our authenticity.
EP 119 | Part II: Why eldest daughters/hero children can remain chronically single or just have so much resistance to dating
This episode kicks is a second in a series series that takes a deep dive into the characteristics of eldest daughters/hero children and their specific struggles in romantic relationships. If you grew up in a family where you took on the role of peacekeeper, good girl, always easy and accommodating — this episode will really resonate. Today’s episode looks at why women of this kind can remain chronically single or deeply resistant to dating.
Mini Ep: Why do women who don’t do the work, who are are just as messed up as the rest of us, find great people? Why does it just never happen for me?
In today’s episode I’m digging into the following conundrum: Why do women who don’t do the work, who are are just as messed up as the rest of us, find great people? Why does it not happen for women who feel like they’ve done so much healing and therapeutic work?
EP 118 | Part I: How Eldest Daughters/Hero Children Struggle in Relationships
This episode kicks off a three part series that takes a deep dive into the characteristics of eldest daughters/hero children and their specific struggles in romantic relationships. If you grew up in a family where you took on the role of peacekeeper, good girl, always easy and accommodating — this episode will really resonate.
EP 117 | How do we know if we're settling? How did I know my husband was the one? Should I do and prenup? A more in this Q+A Episode
How do we know if we're settling? How do we handle our partner’s flaws? Is it better to meet people in person or online? How did I know my husband was the one? Should I do a prenup? A more in this Q+A episode.
EP 115 | All Things Money And Partnership
We are digging into all things MONEY today. In this episode I'm taking you behind the scenes of the financial picture in our marriage, how we've moved through really hard money conversations and how working on my own relationship with money has been the most impactful thing when it comes to finding ease around finance in my relationship. That said, it's definitely a work in progress!
EP 114 | On Making, Maintaining and Letting go of Friends in Our 30s + 40s
On the heals of a very significant friendship ending for me in the last few years, the nature of friendship — what drives our friendships, what they look like, how our relational patterns manifest in this space (i.e. outside of romance) — has been of particular interest to me. I’m digging into all of that and more, with specific focus on how friendship evolves in our 30s and 40s in today’s episode.
EP 113 | On trusting the (divine) timing of our lives + What's behind *feeling* behind
Do you feel behind in life? It's a question I face and contemplate with clients (and often myself) all the time. Today's conversation isn't one geared towards telling you to "be grateful," or "just accept" everyone is on their own timeline. I'm going to the heart of what I believe rests beneath the feeling of being behind, whether we feel it in relationships, work, money, or simply life in general.