Episode 53: How achievement does not lead to fulfillment and so much more w/ Megan Hellerer

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In this episode we get into:

  • The way something can get hard before it gets better—and how that's ok

  • The power of following our curiosity

  • Megan's signature approach of directional living versus destinational living (it's going to feel like a breath of fresh air)

  • How Megan spent significant time doing the inner work— but little time actually dating, and subsequently met her life partner very quickly

This episode will resonate with anyone who:

  • Feels unfulfilled in some area of their life— be it dating, career, etc.— and aren't sure what to change or what direction to move in

  • Feel overwhelmed with change— the options and knowing the "right," one are too overwhelming

  • Subscribes heavily to the dating is a numbers game mentality, but it hasn't lead to the relationship they want

  • Is a token box checker— you do all the "right" things! But none of it feels good.

Free Download: Get My 3-Step Ritual For When You Feel Behind in Life
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Megan's Website
Megan's Online Course: WFT Am I Doing with My Life?
Megan's Interview in The Cut

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Podcast Music Credit: James Maldonado


Episode 54: Dani Beinstein on what we want versus what we actually need.


Episode 52: Three of the most consistent practices I use with my clients + myself.