EP 83 | On the fear of driving someone away by saying how you feel

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Oh the fear of coming on too strong, or being too much, or being too....something, that ultimately drives our crush, love interest, or partner away.

What anxiety this creates!

In this episode I break down:

  • What makes it so hard to say how we actually feel in with someone we like/love/etc

  • What to do when you're facing this dilemma and how to shift your behavior

  • How the fear of losing someone (aka abandonment is real) and where that stems from

  • How we can actually work to grow our ability to express ourselves — in a way that doesn't make us so nervous and anxious

  • How suppressing how we feel drives us further from people, not closer

  • How the more authentically we operate, the more intimacy we build

This episode will benefit with anyone who struggles with:

  • People pleasing

  • Codependency

  • Passive aggressive behavior

  • Feels they stayed in relationships too long — or wreaked havoc by not saying what was actually going on with them

  • Struggles with communication in relationships


EP 84 | Why is friendship so hard + weird right now?


EP 82 | The importance of rupture and repair — a client's story on how they broke up and did the necessary work to get back together