Episode 17: On our obsession with healing.

Blocks, rewiring our subconscious, healing childhood wounds....are we all just too obsessed with fixing all this stuff? And is the fixation on fixing, just leading us to perpetuate the belief that we're broken?

That's where I'm digging in this week. I discuss the larger conundrum around personal development work and the self help industry (while also actively participating in it) and how to answer more of these existential questions for ourselves.

Links mentioned:
Forever35 Episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-229-interrogating-beauty-culture-with-jessica/id1329229319?i=1000570564190

Jessica DeFino: https://www.instagram.com/jessicadefino_/?hl=en

Solutionism: https://www.macmillandictionary.com/us/buzzword/entries/solutionism.html


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Episode 18: Am I *actually* feeling this in my gut? Or is this just old conditioning?


Episode 16: What I'm Working on Within Myself + Wedding Planning Conundrums.