Episode 18: Am I *actually* feeling this in my gut? Or is this just old conditioning?

It's fairly safe to say that we've all had a gut feeling about someone or some situation before. But what makes a gut feeling different than a feeling based on old patterns?  And how can you break the cycle if an old pattern (a subconscious thought) is informing that feeling? In this episode, Clara explores how to differentiate between the two, and sheds light on how to start detangling the subconscious "web" and underlayer of our past.

Clara discusses how these subconscious tendencies thread their way throughout multiple areas of our lives (in romantic and family relationships, friendships, career choices, finances), and talks about how becoming aware of these patterns and behaviors is the real key to dismantling them. And while healing our wounds is an ongoing process (arguably a never ending one), understanding how and why we behave or feel the way we do is necessary to reprogramming and responding differently in the future.

Mentioned in this episode:
It Didn't Start With You, Mark Wolynn

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Episode 19: Why we *think* dating is a number's game—but why it actually ISN'T.


Episode 17: On our obsession with healing.