Episode 2: You don’t need to be good at flirting.

A few weeks ago, my editor at mindbodygreen reached out about an article related to flirting. She was curious to get my thoughts on it as it related to new ways of flirting (as we slowly rise from the pandemic), old ways that needed to go and so forth. It got me thinking about the act in general. Was it learned or inherent? Could someone become better at flirting by way of words or content? I never even thought of myself, a Dating and Relationships Coach, as skilled at flirting, and yet I’d had successful relationships….so what gives? In this episode, we’ll dig into these questions, along with:

  • What flirting is really about

  • How reading about flirting ‘tactics’ doesn’t actually make anyone better at flirting

  • How more traditional dating content + rhetoric can pull us further from ourselves

  • How to actually find more ease in flirting


Episode 3: Dating apps make me wanna #%$FCBJKH&@!


Episode 1: You’re….a dating coach?