Episode 3: Dating apps make me wanna #%$FCBJKH&@!

Nothing about online dating—despite what Hinge, Tinder, and the like may claim— is intuitive or seamless. That's not to say it's impossible, but it most certainly is an emotionally challenging and complicated environment (and that's putting it lightly). But there is hope. Yes, hope! And it has less to do with/nothing to do with how to tweak your profile or perfect the algorithm and so much more to do with developing a deep self awareness around the nature of these tools, how the digital environment impacts how we relate to one another, and how our own sh*t around dating, relationships, intimacy desire, rejection and so much more, shows up in the online environment.

To access the free download, Dating App Principles for Sanity and Resilience, to help bring the elements I talk about to life and integrate them into your own pursuit of partnership, click here.


Can’t Stop Insta-Stalking Your date?


Episode 2: You don’t need to be good at flirting.