Episode 24: It’s comfortable being single. is dating worth disrupting my life?

Back in August a listener reached out with a question so rich, so spot, so chock full of pretty much every single conundrum and obstacle I address with every single client, that my immediate response was, "This has to be an episode." 

This episode hits on:

  • The fear of dating when your single life feels really, really stable

  • The assumption that online apps are terrible and you're better off not succumbing to them at all (and remaining single)

  • The idea that all men (of a certain age) who are secure, solid, partnership-worthy human beings are already taken— and thus it's not worth trying

If you:

  • Struggle to motivate yourself or believe it's worth it to date

  • Hold some semblance of belief that if it were meant to happen it would have already happened

  • But still hunger for connection, intimacy partnership—and don't know what to do with all of the above (!)

You'll dig this episode!

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Episode 25: On falling in love with women when you've historically only been with men.


Episode 23: A psychological astrologer on the purpose of relationships.