Episode 27: What does your gut imbalance have to do with the state of your relationships?

The first time I met Abby Hueber, founder of Above Health Nutrition, was over artfully roasted cauliflower and punchy green juices at True Food Kitchen in Scottsdale, Arizona. In hindsight I can't fathom us meeting any other way. Here is a sneak peek at what we get into in this episode:

"When we have gut symptoms, SIBO, IBS etc., we often have a breakdown in our gut lining, which is a breakdown in our own boundaries as a human. That is often reflective in our outside lives, relationships, self-worth, people pleasing, codependancy, etc. Through healing out gut we are actually doing so much more, as it requires us to heal ourselves and our relationship to our own boundaries. Gut healing often requires us to value ourselves more and value that we are worth setting stronger boundaries to create our healing window and often find that on the other side of gut healing or healing in general we have transformed our relationship to ourselves, to others and found more alignment in many other unexpected but needed areas of our lives"

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Episode 28: On being the martyr in my own relationship.


Episode 26: What if he says he's not sure about kids?