Episode 6: What dating (and relationships) looked like for me 18 months before getting engaged

Lori Gottlieb's Maybe You Should Talk to Someone was a smash hit for damn good reasons. We relish knowing how the "expert," the person that seemingly "has it all together," actually lives. Is it that easy? Is it just different? Do they just float through life? Even though we know-ish that they don't, it certainly feels like they do. It's always both a relief and delight to know the nuances of their own struggle and suffering, largely as a means by which to feel more ok about our suffering. More human. Less alone.

That's the meat of this week's episode. A play by play of the year and half leading up to meeting my now fiancée. Admittedly, I don't like framing at that way, as if it was an awful experience and now I'm free! Truth be told, I'm just on another journey. One that's testing me, challenging me and stretching me in new ways, but still very much to the tune of human evolution.

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Episode 7: When all your friends are getting married and it's just you that's single (and other later bloomer, woes).


Episode 5: The relationship that broke me in all the ways i needed to be broken