Episode 7: When all your friends are getting married and it's just you that's single (and other later bloomer, woes).

I didn’t have sex until I was 21 years old, but does that make me a late bloomer? And does it really even matter?

Recently, a listener emailed in, saying she, too, was a late bloomer, and that struggle was still manifesting in her life (well into her 30s).

Today’s episode is all about that — shaking loose the identity of being a late bloomer, but even more so, understanding how these identities that date way back still directly impact the way we live right now. From the job we have to our relationship status to the food we eat (and everything in between).

We’ll also get into the evolving nature of friendships in our late 20s and early 30s—how some folks branch off and others stay close, and the grief that comes along with that.

This is a great episode for you if:

  • You struggle with feeling left out from friend groups that are already engaged or married

  • You still feel like the odd man out, the “different,” one, similar to the vibe you carried in high school

  • You’re curious to learn how a “late bloomer,” transitioned to feeling radically confident in dating— and now doing the same for other people

Finally! A few things mentioned in this episode:

  • There are a few new private coaching spots open for summer: https://www.ithinkilikeyou.co/private-coaching

  • I’m hosting my first ever retreat! This fall, in the Hudson Valley. It’s going to be beautiful and stunning and all the things. Learn more here: https://www.ithinkilikeyou.co/retreat

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Episode 8: The pain of female friendship.


Episode 6: What dating (and relationships) looked like for me 18 months before getting engaged