Episode 8: The pain of female friendship.

Those middle/high school school wounds run deep, and very much still show up today. I remember a client once saying to me: Omg, I realized I STILL see myself as the 12 year old chubby girl with braces— and that’s what’s showing up in dating.

But it’s not just about dating, or the boyfriends/girlfriends we did or didn’t have as an adolescent. Those female to female dynamics play just as big of a role.

In the past few weeks I felt a shifting in some of my female friendships— some good, some challenging. The shifts have lead me to reflect upon past friendship wounds, things that still feel unfinished, but more so, what I want to feel now. How I want to feel now with the friends in my life— and how I want them to feel as well. This is a heart opening episode, to be sure.

This is a great episode for you if:

  • You’ve experienced loss as it relates to female friendship and still feel the sting of those losses

  • You felt bullied/singled out by girls at a young age— or was the one inflicting that on others

  • You hunger for deeper friendships now, especially with women navigating dating, relationships, and coming into themselves in their later 30s

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Episode 9: It *is* possible to meet people in person. It's just time to shift your beliefs.


Episode 7: When all your friends are getting married and it's just you that's single (and other later bloomer, woes).