Episode 63: How I drastically mitigated my anxious attachment style.

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Nearly a decade ago, on a the heels of life-altering breakup, swimming in self help, I landed upon the book Attached. Like many people, I was eager to take the quiz and find out "What was my attachment style???" But more so, how could knowing this information release me from my pain? I don't think I really needed the quiz to confirm I had an anxious attachment style, but even once it did — it didn't give me much to then do. I was aware, sure, of what was creating a lot of havoc in my dating life, but wtf was I supposed to do with that? How could I start to shift the way I felt?

In the decade since, through both my personal and professional work, I've developed an entirely new way of looking at anxious attachment styles. One that doesn't have us fearing the worst — but actually treating it with compassion and curiosity— and in doing so, taking simple, concrete action that legitimately shift this behavior and nervous system pattern:

This episode will resonate with anyone who:

  • Suffers from an anxious attachment style and/or codependency (though the two pretty much always go hand in hand!)

  • Feel like they have all the KNOWLEDGE and AWARENESS but they're still completely blindsided when someone doesn't text back or are terrified to express your needs in a relationship

  • Feels like they're constantly at the mercy of their anxiety in dating and relationships

  • Is hungry for a different approach— both in mindset and in action

Books Mentioned:
Setting Boundaries Will Set You Free 

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Podcast Music Credit: James Maldonado


Episode 64: Why Don’t I Ever Meet Men Who Actually Want To Build Something Together?


Episode 62: On the crushes we just can't quit.