Episode 64: Why Don’t I Ever Meet Men Who Actually Want To Build Something Together?

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On the heels of last week’s episode that blew the pants off everything we know to be true about anxious attachment style, this week’s episode is very much a part two. Why is it that those of us who are most hungry for partnership, most hungry to connect deeply with someone, keep finding ourselves in brief, one off, go nowhere scenarios, or relationships where we completely lose ourselves?

It all has to do with our capacity for receiving. I.e. our capacity to let someone in and let them actually love us. You might be thinking, “Um yeah, of course, Clara, that’s exactly what I freaking want.” Except, your subconscious, has another story. You subconscious, isn’t used to being in the role of receiving and being supported and not having to do all.the.things.

This episode will resonate if you’re struggling in dating/fulfilling relationships and:

  • You struggle to ask for help

  • You find yourself always carrying the conversation on dates

  • You consistently meet people who are nice but don’t want to commit

  • You’re hyper-independent

  • You’re pretty damn successful in your career and your proud of it, but you also work way more than you should

  • You’re constantly the friend to plan and prep, but rarely the one to receive

  • You hunger, deeply, to co-create a life with someone, but nothing is moving in that direction

Podcast Music Credit: James Maldonado


Episode 65: Should I settle for this? How do I know?


Episode 63: How I drastically mitigated my anxious attachment style.