Ep 69 : Nancy Levin drops the knowledge on relationships for overachievers

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On today's podcast I'm chatting with author and master life coach, Nancy Levin. I was introduced to Nancy by my own coach years ago, via her best selling book Setting Boundaries Will Set You Free. I have purchased this book — I sh*t you not— 22 times for 22 different clients. And I have to be honest, I'm sitting here thinking: I know there are more clients— why haven't I sent it to them all?! It's THAT good.

Here's what we dig into in this episode:

  • A really simple way to understand codependency

  • The connection between being codependent and struggling to set boundaries

  • How linking our self worth to achievement is a form of addiction 

  • How when you're living without boundaries — you're living in reference to things outside of you — so you're not actually being your true self

  • How when we betray our own boundaries, it first starts with a betrayal of self

  • How Nancy's affair became her greatest teacher (and the catalyst to change in her life)

  • How Nancy's return to her art, to poetry, became a huge catalyst for her career

Want to make sense of your dating life so you can move towards the partnership you actually want? Check out my online course: The Conscious Dater

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Nancy's Coaching Course
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Podcast Music Credit: James Maldonado


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