Episode 47: How your relationship with your job impacts the state of your romantic life.

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Often the only air time that work gets in the space of dating is the notion that we've devoted so much time to our work and therefore can't date, didn't focus on the relationship, etc. Work, for myself included, can be a lovely place to hide and numb, and also a place to sit on necessary changes that feel too difficult to make. What feels easier is staying in the discomfort we know. But is it? And how the hell is that connected to dating? 

In this episode I explore:

  • The correlation between the state of our work— not just our work but our day to day lives— and the state of our dating life

  • How staying stuck in jobs that are really out of alignment with who we are feed certain dating outcomes

  • How it's less about the job and more about an ongoing state of inertia that perpetuates certain outcomes in our dating lives

  • What change can look like in the immediate (Hint, hint: It's not just leaving your job or radically changing up your work)

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Podcast music written and produced by James Maldonado


Episode 48: What's the difference between coaching and therapy? How do we feel about matchmakers? And more.


Episode 46: How alignment in career connects to depth of partnership, and confronting the ongoing stress of a long term relationship w/ Catherine Zack