Episode 48: What's the difference between coaching and therapy? How do we feel about matchmakers? And more.

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I consistently receive the following questions in my conversations with clients and coaching discovery calls:

  • What's the difference between coaching and therapy?

  • What are your thoughts on matchmakers?

  • I heard this rule or formula (like "Wait three dates to sleep with someone")...what are your thoughts on that?

While these might seem like completely disparate subjects, they actually all overlap in a pretty helpful way. A hint: they're rooted in self trust. How we deny it and how we foster it.

In addition, I go more in depth in this episode on my recently launched (and upcoming!) group program, specifically for women in law, finance and business consulting. I've put more details below. I'd love to chat with you if the angle and purpose resonates.  

Spring Group Program

A Conscious Dating + Relationship Program | Book a Discovery Call

Specifically tailored to women in the fields of law, finance and consulting, primarily in their 30s and 40s, who may have done therapy or other personal development work but still struggle in the areas of dating and relationships.

Why this group?

Over the last five years of doing this work, and having predominantly served women in these types of industries, I’ve noticed a few things:

  • There are specific tendencies and traits that make someone really good at these areas of work (You’re rewarded for it! It’s probably why you got into it!), but create certain patterns and outcomes in romantic partnership.

  • The skills and practices that serve you in your work— i.e. what makes you really good at your job— differ in the realm of intimacy and romantic relationships.

  • The structured, measurable, very data-driven way of operating in these industries tends not to serve us in dating and relationships.

  • Women of this kind tend to lean on the “I’m too busy to date/I was prioritizing my career,” but that narrative is actually undermining us. It’s not that you’re wrong— it’s that there’s more to understand and work with here.

This experience is for you if:

  • You feel a bit/ a lot worn out in dating and relationships and struggle to “figure out” what the issue is.

  • You have experienced a lot of success in your career (maybe it lights you up, maybe it doesn’t) but it feels certain and structured. You feel like that area of your life is “under control.”

  • You have struggled to connect with/find people that you feel are intellectually at your level, who you also find to be attractive and/or have just struggled to date in general.

  • You’re eager to understand the why and what behind each of the first three bullets.

  • You crave a more thoughtful and integrated approach to dating. You’re eager to gain clarity on your own patterns and blocks to intimacy.

Program Elements + Cost

The course will run for 8 weeks, from early March through April 30th (the exact dates will be determined once the cohorts are in place).

  • We’ll meet each week for two hours where you’ll receive individual coaching and group coaching. Folks are often worried they won’t get enough individualized attention, but I promise you, 1) You definitely will, and 2) The combination of group and individual support is even more powerful. Being able to witness others be individually coached on the same things you struggle with will illuminate your journey. The exact call time will meet the needs of everyone’s schedule.

  • Once you sign up, you’ll receive preliminary onboarding work to get you started.

  • Written work will be assigned between each group coaching call that will inform each week’s lesson and the focus of our time spent together. You’ll receive detailed individual feedback on this area of your work.

  • You’ll receive ongoing digital support via our intimate group chat. I’ll be there to answer short questions in between sessions and then you’ll have each other to lean on for support as you enter into this space of deep self discovery.

  • We will be looking intimately at each other’s stories, patterns, and histories, which will make the learning all around so much more powerful.

If you’re curious to learn more, ask specific questions or get to know me, Clara, schedule some time to chat here.

Podcast music written and produced by James Maldonado


Episode 49: We all just want to meet the one person that will deliver us from our shame and pain.


Episode 47: How your relationship with your job impacts the state of your romantic life.