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Podcast Clara Artschwager Podcast Clara Artschwager

EP 112 | The Career Conversation I’m Having With All My 38ish Friends

In the last few months, I’ve noticed a change in the career conversations I’m having with friends. We’re all saying: I want a less demanding job. I don't care as much about climbing the corporate ladder. I want a job I enjoy but one that doesn't rob me of my life. I want more time with my family and to invest in my hobbies. That's the focus of today's episode.

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Podcast Clara Artschwager Podcast Clara Artschwager

EP 111 | On Resisting Ease in Your Dating Life/Life in General

Did you grow up learning to work hard, get good grades, get into the best school(s) possible, hit any academic and professional achievement that you could? I did. And I learned to love it.

I learned to love, and thus value, hustle, hard work, striving, strain, stress. On the one hand, it's served me well in what I've accomplished. On the other hand — and I see this with women all the time — it's made me resistant to pleasure, enjoyment and rest in my life.

In today's episode, I'm breaking down how that resistance shakes out in our romantic experiences

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Podcast Clara Artschwager Podcast Clara Artschwager

EP 110 | You’re Going to Have to Royally F*ck Up In Your Dating Life

Are you trying to maniacally control your dating life? Do you struggle with just being present in the experience of getting to know someone, and not being overriden by anxiety or fears of where something is going? Do you then beat yourself up when the relationship doesn’t shake out exactly as you’d hoped? Today’s episode explores the nature of the dating era we live in — how we hold faulty expectations of how smoothly finding a partner should go, and how if we don’t our expectations we then not only blame ourselves, but rob ourselves of the benefits of the experience.

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Podcast Clara Artschwager Podcast Clara Artschwager

EP 108 | An Initial Look at My Journey Into Pregnancy

After my husband and I miscarried last year, I expected the second we got pregnant again I would be over the moon. And I was. But I didn't anticipate also feeling so scared, a bit regretful. Part of that was informed by debilitating morning sickness and exhaustion, but the other part was the new reality: This baby was really coming.

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Podcast Clara Artschwager Podcast Clara Artschwager

EP 107 | On being the girl who never got asked out and *now* desiring a relationship

Most of my clients buried themselves in their academics growing up. Early on they discovered that was a guaranteed way to receive love, praise and affection. The thing about operating that way is that it very much creates an identity of: I'm not desirable, I'm not worthy of a boyfriend. Today's episode explore how we can shift that adolescent identity and allow for romance later in life.

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Podcast Clara Artschwager Podcast Clara Artschwager

EP 106 | When You Just Need to Put Everything Down

What do we do when we hit those points in life where it all becomes too much? Where “pushing through,” is no longer an option? In today’s episode I’m sharing how I hit one such patch (and hard), this spring, and what I’m doing to slow down and ease my way back to myself.

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Podcast Clara Artschwager Podcast Clara Artschwager

EP 104 | When you're not getting any matches on dating apps

Not getting any matches on dating apps like Hinge, Bumble and Tinder, or matching with people but not really connecting with anyone, is a really common but frustrating outcome. It feels hard enough to get on and swipe, and then to not match with anyone? Ouch. This episode explains the underlying causes to not experiencing success or satisfaction on the dating apps.

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Podcast Clara Artschwager Podcast Clara Artschwager

EP 103 | What do I do when I like someone and I'm not sure if they like me back?

In the early stages of dating or a relationship, it can be really difficult to endure the period where you've developing feelings, you have a crush on someone, but you're not sure if the feeling is mutual (especially for those dealing with an anxious attachment style). This episode explores ways to manage the stress and anxiety of this period.

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